Beare Technology

Innovative Engine Design


Beare Technologies encompass a number of inventions developed by the remarkable original thinker Malcolm John Beare, inventive Technology development such as the Beare Head Sixstroke Engine, the Ducati Beare V-Twin Bike and among other inventions. The Malcolm Beare prototypes currently under development encompass Malcolm Beare’s latest Technologies, and will soon result in production ready variants of the Beare Sixstroke Automotive Innovations

Beare History

Innovative Engine Design


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The Six Stroke Engine

Simple – Clean – Powerful


Find out more about the technical aspects of the Six Stroke Engine

News, Articles & Tech Talk

Simple – Clean – Powerful


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Malcolm BeareMy name is Malcolm Beare, A life long passion and keen interest of mine has been the workings of motor cycles, motor cars, internal combustion engines & automotive engineering in general, my deep seeded enthusiasm has led me on a long 30 year quest of questioning automotive tradition, challenging convention, to much study/research and inventing what some believe to be unconventional but extraordinary alternatives.

My exploration  experimentation of the past 3 decades has thus far culminated in a number of inventions materializing, and much of my work is of recent times nearing the process of final prototyping and conclusive testing.

Many years of persistent & dedicated study have resulted in what some believe to be a number of outstanding automotive engineering Innovations, my website will in time publicly present conclusive testing and analysis documentation relating to my current projects under development, which according to those more versed than I, promise to provide the knowledgeable automotive engineer with easy to comprehend comprehensive insight into my inventions.

I am the inventor/automotive engineer charged with the responsibility of spearheading the progressive development to commercial ready status of my various inventions prototypes.


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